Charlotte Drain Cleaning

Experienced Drain Cleaning Services

family1The benchmark to look for in drain cleaning services is excellence and experience. Finding the most reputable, experienced drain cleaning professionals in the Charlotte area is as simple as visiting or calling (704) 483-5125. Lake Norman Septic has a 49-year history and track record of excellence and experience in drain cleaning services.

When an emergency occurs, you want to feel secure that your drain problem is resolved by top notch professionals. Lake Norman Septic offers a wide variety of services from cleaning clogged household drains to the installation of complex septic and sewer systems for businesses and residential needs. There’s no guesswork with Lake Norman Septic. Customers know their drain difficulties will be resolved quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.

drain_cleaning1Don’t Wait For An Emergency To Happen

Household and commercial drains are used daily. Heavy-duty use is one reason for residue buildup that cause clogs. Residue build-up over time can create gaseous odors, a potential health threat, as well as stubborn clogs in drains. When a drain is no longer free-flowing, it’s important to seek out the services of professionals to assess and remediate the situation as quickly as possible.

Repair Problems

It’s takes a trained eye to spot potential repair problems. Regular drain maintenance saves costly repairs before they occur. Drain cleaning maintenance plans are available and actually save customers expense. In older homes, a regular maintenance plan is especially important. As homes and commercial business drainage systems age, they often need replacement. Upgrading a drain system is one of the many services offered by Lake Norman Septic. Newer materials used in replacement parts and equipment are far more advanced and provide longer wear.

Regular drain inspections like regular drain maintenance are far less costly than waiting until an emergency occurs. Emergencies most always happen at the least convenient times. A clogged drain in a commercial business means loss of revenue, depending on the nature and severity of the problem.

Set Up A Regularly Scheduled Maintenance Plan

The experts at Lake Norman Septic are ready to provide inspection services for residential and commercial businesses. Discuss a preventative plan of inspections and maintenance with Lake Norman Septic’s professional consultants. They will arrange inspection and maintenance schedules at customers’ convenience as well as provide a detailed report of the type of work planned for each visit. This is the smart way to avoid problems and huge repair bills.